To create a world where addiction is recognized as a preventable and treatable disease so that people who suffer from it can experience the love, understanding, and support to live full normal lives in recovery.
We seek to provide a safe space for people using substances by ensuring safer modes of use, peer support, and referral of services.
We hope to provide support to those through their addiction, to advocate for improved treatment options and services to prevent incarceration or death, educating all on the active and deadly traits of drug addiction, and breaking down the stigma of addiction that has labeled our loved ones who struggle daily.
We strive to support and empower individuals who use drugs to stay alive and live their own best lives. We choose to serve and support individuals on their journey with substance use at any and every stage. We accept the realities of drug use and stand alongside the individual who uses drugs as they choose what is best for them.
- Work to minimize the harmful effects of drug use rather than simply ignore or condemn users.
- Calls for the non-judgmental, non-coercive provision of services and resources to people who use drugs.
- Establishes quality of individual and community life and well-being — not necessarily cessation of all drug use — as the criteria for successful interventions and policies
- Provide assistance to those looking to get into treatment on their road to recovery.
- Advocate for better treatment options and against incarceration of users.
- Stop the STIGMA of addiction as each user is someone’s son or daughter.
- Educate our young children on the addictive and deadly traits of using heroin and other drugs.
Memphis based artist Ronnie Bobal, otherwise known by his graffiti tag as Betor, was tragically lost to a drug overdose on Christmas Day, 2016. Over the course of several years, his friends and family watched him struggle with his addiction and try to find effective treatment methods. His loving friends and family worked ceaselessly to help him navigate addiction services, and we learned exactly how difficult a task this is.
We are raising awareness to save lives
We have joined together to form A Betor Way to share information and make addicts and their support systems aware of the programs and initiatives available, with the hope that we will prevent others from enduring the loss of a loved one to drug overdose. We will help find A ‘Betor’ Way to fight addiction.
Here to Help You
Find a Path Forward
Free Services Include:
Clean works, syringes, fentanyl test strips, hygiene kits, wound care kits, and safe sex kits
HIV & Hep C Rapid Testing
Education about safer injection, HIV, and Hepatitis C
Sharps containers provided for safe disposal of syringes